Dear Furue San,
We heard about flood in Japan, we hope that everything is ok for you?
We are now in Siberia where we enjoy the wild landscape. We send you some whisper of the lake baikal.
You can see an article in Outward magazine, from Mt bell, Japan.
Best regards
Céline, Xavier, Nayla & Fibie
Céline, Xavier, Nayla & Fibie
○私は、以下の返事を書いた。英語として不正確な点もあるかも知れないが、これで結構通じるのだ。Let's try, everybody!
Dear my friends
Thank you for your worrying about us.
More than 150 people were killed in a lot of floods and mountain-collapse caused by this heavy rain in a few days.
In the tragedy my family and I are all right. And my city and village have got little damage and no victims, either.
I send you some photos about small damages in my village.
Good luck !
See you.
July 9th 2018